Been looking forward to share this one for a while. Another production I documented for Life Is Better Blonde and the filming of his video clip for Follow Me. Filmed at a secluded little opening amongst the forest in Creswick, had a wonderful time capturing the work that went into producing this clip.
The story follows the life of a piano abandoned during a time of war. Most of the lighting was atmospheric and ambient light bar the one flood backlighting for a sunlight-though-the-trees effect. A lot of the effort of the day went into creating a realistic European setting and straying from any native Australian flora and imagery that may break the fifth wall.
Check out the film clip above and scroll down further to see some more select images from the day. I really dig Nathan's (Life Is Better Blonde) music, and it's a pleasure to be involved in the the documentation and production of his work. Stay tuned for more over the next few days. I have a lot of exciting projected that I'm pleased I can talk about coming up very shortly.