It took around an hour to do the full shoot and everything went relatively smoothly albeit a toppling stack of wax or two (thankgod for assistants). That said, after a good 7 hours of constant photo taking, I was starting to wear out and missed a crucial fault in Seb's suit.
After changing the position of his arms, his suit collor folded in on itself and created this horrible shadow. I didn't even realise it on my first pass of selection when editing. I blame the lack of coffee, but it gave me some good practice at retouching the suit back in.
Below is a before and after of my editing. I started by duplicating in the right side to the left, then cloned and stamped in the correct texture. Once I had rebuilt the collar, I burnt in some shadows to give a more natural appearance. I'm not a retoucher by any means and would have preferred taking 30 seconds to fix the collar then and there than spend a good hour fixing it in Photoshop but sometimes things don't go as planned and my slip of concentration ended up costing me some valuable down time. I'm grateful though that it was a straight forward fix and that even though it's not perfect, it saved a shot from the 'rejected' bin.